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Health & Wellness Coach & Mindfulness Meditation Guide
Life is a journey with ups and downs, the downs can be really down, but the ups can be really up. Allow the unexpected in your life and give yourself permission to release the past, and create insights to build a healthy lifestyle for a positive future. Learn from the past, be mindful of the present and allow the unexpected in your life. Together let us explore how to embrace the future and live the life you always wanted.
Allow The Unexpected
Mental Health Awareness & Coaching for:
Diplomatic Personnel, Veterans, First Responders, Military, Police, Physicians, Nurses, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Corporate Executives and High Risk High Stress Employment and Communities of Color
We all wish for peace, contentment and happiness.
Every living being has the same basic wish – to be happy and avoid suffering. Every newborn baby, animal and nature itself has this wish. This has been our main wish since the beginning of time & it is with us all the time, even in our sleep. We spend our whole life working hard to fulfill this wish of peace, contentment and happiness.
Since this world evolved, humans beings have spent much time and energy improving external conditions in their search for happiness and a solution to our many problems. What has been the result? Instead of our wishes being fulfilled, human suffering has continued to increase, while the experience of happiness and peace is decreasing. This clearly shows that we need to find methods for gaining pure happiness, peace, contentment and freedom from difficult situations and challenges we are faced with in our daily lives.
All our problems and all our unhappiness are created by our uncontrolled mind and our actions. By engaging in the the practice of being mindful of understanding how our mind works, the motivations for our actions, we can learn to control, navigate and manage our mind, our emotions and our responses to situations in our lives, reduce our suffering and we can begin to positively navigate our responses and create more peace, contentment and happiness.
Focus Specific Life Coaching:
Guided Meditation & Visualization, Resiliency Visualization Activation,
Identity Anchoring & Acceptance Practices, ​
Ancestral Healing, Indigenous Spirit Healing,
Integrated Holistic Diet Activation, MindfullnessHolistic Healing
Mindfulness Meditation, Mindfulness Based CBT, DBT, MBSR, Activation,
Radical Self Acceptance & Compassion,
Corporate Visualization and Success Activation, Sports Visualization and Success Activation,
Intergenerational Trauma Awareness,Complex & Post Traumatic Stress Awareness,
Neuro-Cognitive Awareness Activation,
Cognitive, Dialectical, Interpersonal Humanist Coaching,
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